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Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation

VM support in Smart Edge Open for Network Edge - Setup, deployment, and management considerations


This document explores the support of virtual machine (VM) deployment in Smart Edge Open for Network Edge. Covered items include:

  • design considerations and currently available solutions
  • limitations
  • configuration of the environment for Smart Edge Open
  • deployment of VMs with various requirements for storage and SRIOV support
  • troubleshooting

When designing support of VM deployment for Network Edge, a key consideration was how this support will fit into a Kubernetes* (K8s) based solution. Two popular open source projects allowing VM deployments within a K8s environment were identified: KubeVirt and Virtlet. Both of these projects support deployment of the VMs running inside pods.

Virtlet VMs are treated as ordinary pods and can be natively controlled from kubectl but the deployment requires the introduction of an additional Container Runtime Interface (CRI) and CRI proxy into the cluster. In comparison, KubeVirt VMs are enabled by extending the functionality of K8s via Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and easy to deploy KubeVirt agents and controllers. No CRI proxy introduction is necessary in the cluster.

Due to easy deployment and no impact on the existing Smart Edge Open architecture, KubeVirt is the chosen solution in Smart Edge Open.


KubeVirt is an open-source project extending K8s with VM support via the previously mentioned CRDs, agents, and controllers. It addresses a need to allow non-containerizable applications/workloads inside VMs to be treated as K8s managed workloads. This allows for both VM and Container/Pod applications to coexist within a shared K8s environment, allowing for communication between the Pods, VMs, and services on same cluster. KubeVirt provides a command line utility (virtctl) which allows for management of the VM (create, start, stop, etc.). Additionally, it provides a Containerized Data Importer (CDI) utility, which allows for loading existing qcow2 VM images (and other data) into the created VM. Support for the K8s Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin Multus* and SRIOV is also provided which allows users to attach Network Interface Card (NICs) and Virtual Functions (VFs) to a deployed VM. More information about KubeVirt can be found on the official website and GitHub*.

Stateless vs Stateful VMs

The types of VM deployments can be split into two categories based on the storage required by the workload.

  • Stateless VMs are backed by ephemeral storage, meaning that the data will disappear with VM restart/reboot.
  • Stateful VMs are backed by persistent storage, meaning that data will persist after VM restart/reboot. The type of storage required will be determined based on the use case. In Smart Edge Open, support for both types of VM is available with the aid of KubeVirt.

VMs with ephemeral storage

These are VMs with ephemeral storage, such as ContainerDisk storage that would be similarly deployed to ordinary container pods. The data contained in the VM would be erased on each VM deletion/restart. Thus, it is suitable for stateless applications running inside the pods. A better fit for such an application would be running the workload in a container pod but for various reasons (e.g., a legacy application), users may not want to containerize their workload. From an K8s/Smart Edge Open perspective, the advantage of this deployment is no additional storage configuration; users only need to have a cluster with KubeVirt deployed and a dockerized version of a VM image to spin up the VM.

VMs with persistent Local Storage

Some VMs require persistent storage, and the data for this kind of VM stays persistent between restarts of the VM. In the case of local storage, Kubernetes provides a ‘local volume plugin’ which can be used to define a Persistent Volume (PV). In the case of the local volume plugin, there is no support for dynamic creation (k8s 1.17.0) and the PVs must be created by a user before a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) can be claimed by the pod/VM. This manual creation of PVs must be taken into consideration for an Smart Edge Open deployment as a PV will need to be created per each VM per each node, as the storage is local to the Edge Node. In the case of persistent storage, the VM image must be loaded to the PVC, this can be done via the use of KubeVirt’s Container Data Importer (CDI). This kind of storage is meant for use with stateful workloads, and being local to the node is suitable for Edge deployments.

VMs with Cloud Storage

Support for persistent storage via Cloud Storage providers is possible in K8s but it is currently not supported in Smart Edge Open. There are no plans to support it but this can change according to demand.

Creating Docker image for stateless VM

To create a Docker* image for a stateless VM, the VM image needs to be wrapped inside the Docker image. To do this users need to create a Dockerfile and place the VM image in the same directory and then build the Docker image per the example below:

FROM scratch
ADD CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 /disk/
docker build -t centosimage:1.0 .

Enabling in Smart Edge Open

The KubeVirt role responsible for bringing up KubeVirt components is enabled by default in the Converged Edge Experience Kits via Ansible* automation. In this default state, it does not support SRIOV in a VM and additional steps are required to enable it. The following is a complete list of steps to bring up all components related to VM support in Network Edge. VM support also requires Virtualization and VT-d to be enabled in the BIOS of the Edge Node.

  1. Configure Ansible for KubeVirt: KubeVirt is deployed by default. To provide SRIOV support, configure the following settings:
    • Enable calico CNI and SRIOV: ```yaml # inventory/default/group_vars/all/10-open.yml kubernetes_cnis:
      • calico
      • sriov ```
    • Enable SRIOV for KubeVirt:
        # inventory/default/group_vars/all/10-open.yml
        # SR-IOV support for kube-virt based Virtual Machines
        sriov_kubevirt_enable: true
    • Enable necessary Network Interfaces with SRIOV:
        # inventory/default/host_vars/node01/10-open.yml
          network_interfaces: {<interface_name>: 1}
    • Set up the maximum number of stateful VMs and directory where the Virtual Disks will be stored on Edge Node:
        # inventory/default/group_vars/all/10-open.yml
        kubevirt_default_pv_dir: /var/vd/
        kubevirt_default_pv_vol_name: vol
        kubevirt_pv_vm_max_num:  64
  2. Set up other common configurations for the cluster and enable other EPA features as needed and deploy the cluster using the script in the Converged Edge Experience kits top-level directory.

    NOTE: for more details about deployment please refer to CEEK getting started page.

  3. On successful deployment, the following pods will be in a running state:
        [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pods -n kubevirt
        kubevirt      virt-api-684fdfbd57-9zwt4                 1/1     Running
        kubevirt      virt-api-684fdfbd57-nctfx                 1/1     Running
        kubevirt      virt-controller-64db8cd74c-cn44r          1/1     Running
        kubevirt      virt-controller-64db8cd74c-dbslw          1/1     Running
        kubevirt      virt-handler-jdsdx                        1/1     Running
        kubevirt      virt-operator-c5cbfb9ff-9957z             1/1     Running
        kubevirt      virt-operator-c5cbfb9ff-dj5zj             1/1     Running
        [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pods -n cdi
        cdi           cdi-apiserver-5f6457f4cb-8m9cb            1/1     Running
        cdi           cdi-deployment-db8c54f8d-t4559            1/1     Running
        cdi           cdi-operator-7796c886c5-sfmsb             1/1     Running
        cdi           cdi-uploadproxy-556bf8d455-f8hn4          1/1     Running

VM deployment

Provided below are sample deployment instructions for different types of VMs. Please use sample .yaml specification files provided in the Smart Edge Open Edge Controller directory, edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/, to deploy the workloads. Some of the files require modification to suit the environment they will be deployed in. Specific instructions on modifications are provided in the following steps:

Stateless VM deployment

To deploy a sample stateless VM with containerDisk storage:

  1. Deploy the VM:
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl create -f /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/statelessVM.yaml
  2. Start the VM:
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl virt start cirros-stateless-vm
  3. Check that the VM pod got deployed and the VM is deployed:
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pods | grep launcher
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl get vms
  4. Execute into the VM (login/pass cirros/gocubsgo):
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl virt console cirros-stateless-vm
  5. Check that IP address of Smart Edge Open/K8s overlay network is available in the VM:
     [root@vm ~]# ip addr

Stateful VM deployment

To deploy a sample stateful VM with persistent storage and additionally use a Generic Cloud CentOS* image, which requires users to initially log in with ssh key instead of login/password over ssh:

NOTE: Each stateful VM with a new Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) requires a new Persistent Volume (PV) to be created. See more in the limitations section. Also, CDI needs two PVs when creating a PVC and loading a VM image from the qcow2 file: one PV for the actual PVC to be created and one PV to translate the qcow2 image to raw input.

NOTE: An issue appears when the CDI upload pod is deployed with Calico CNI, the deployed pods readiness probe fails and pod is never in ready state. It is advised that the user uses other CNI such as Calico CNI when using CDI with Smart Edge Open.

  1. Create a persistent volume for the VM:

    • Edit the sample yaml with the hostname of the node: ```yaml # /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/persistentLocalVolume.yaml # For both kv-pv0 and kv-pv1, enter the correct hostname:
      • key: operator: In values: - ```
    • Create the PV:
       [root@controller ~]# kubectl create -f /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/persistentLocalVolume.yaml
    • Check that PV is created:
       [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pv
       kv-pv0    15Gi       RWO            Retain           Available           local-storage            7s
       kv-pv1    15Gi       RWO            Retain           Available           local-storage            7s
  2. Download the Generic Cloud qcow image for CentOS 7:
     [root@controller ~]# wget
  3. Get the address of the CDI upload proxy:
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl get services -A | grep cdi-uploadproxy
  4. Create and upload the image to PVC via CDI:

    NOTE: There is currently a limitation when using the CDI together with CMK (Intel’s CPU Manager for Kubernetes). The CDI upload pod will fail to deploy on the node due to K8s node taint provided by CMK. For a workaround, see the limitations section. ```shell [root@controller ~]# kubectl virt image-upload dv centos-dv –image-path=/root/kubevirt/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-2003.qcow2 –insecure –size=15Gi –storage-class=local-storage –uploadproxy-url=https://:443

    DataVolume default/centos-dv created Waiting for PVC centos-dv upload pod to be ready… Pod now ready Uploading data to https://:443

    898.75 MiB / 898.75 MiB [======================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 15s

    Uploading data completed successfully, waiting for processing to complete, you can hit ctrl-c without interrupting the progress Processing completed successfully Uploading /root/kubevirt/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-2003.qcow2 completed successfully ```

  5. Check that PV, DV, and PVC are correctly created:
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pv
      kv-pv0    15Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound      default/centos-dv           local-storage            2m48s
      kv-pv1    15Gi       RWO            Retain           Released   default/   centos-dv-scratch   local-storage            2m48s
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl get dv
     centos-dv   Succeeded              105s
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pvc
     centos-dv   Bound    kv-pv0      15Gi       RWO            local-storage   109s
  6. Create the ssh key:
     [root@controller ~]# ssh-keygen
  7. Get the controllers public key:
     [root@controller ~]# cat ~/.ssh/
  8. Edit the .yaml file for the VM with the updated public key:
         # /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/cloudGenericVM.yaml
               - name: root
                 password: root
                 sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
                   - ssh-rsa <controller-public-key> <user>@<node>
  9. Deploy the VM:
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl create -f /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/cloudGenericVM.yaml
  10. Start the VM:
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl virt start centos-vm
  11. Check that the VM container has deployed:
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl get pods | grep virt-launcher-centos
  12. Get the IP address of the VM:
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl get vmi

    NOTE: The user should verify that there is no K8s network policy that would block the traffic to the VM (ie. block-all-ingress policy). If such policy exists it should be either removed or a new policy should be created to allow traffic. To check current network policies run: kubectl get networkpolicy -A. See K8s documentation for more information on network policies.

  13. SSH into the VM:
    [root@controller ~]# ssh <vm_ip>

VM deployment with SRIOV NIC support

To deploy a VM requesting SRIOV VF of NIC:

  1. Bind the SRIOV interface to the VFIO driver on Edge Node:
    [root@node ~]# /opt/openness/dpdk-18.11.6/usertools/ --bind=vfio-pci <PCI.B.F.ID-of-VF>
  2. Delete/Restart SRIOV device plugin on the node:
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl delete pod sriov-release-kube-sriov-device-plugin-amd64-<podID> -n kube-system
  3. Check that the SRIOV VF for VM is available as an allocatable resource for DP (wait a few seconds after restart):
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl get node <node-name> -o json | jq '.status.allocatable'
    "cpu": "79",
    "": "110",
    "": "110",
    "": "110",
    "ephemeral-storage": "241473945201",
    "hugepages-1Gi": "0",
    "hugepages-2Mi": "2Gi",
    "": "0",
    "": "0",
    "": "1", <---- This one
    "memory": "194394212Ki",
    "pods": "110"
  4. Deploy the VM requesting the SRIOV device (if a smaller amount is available on the platform, adjust the number of HugePages required in the .yaml file):
     [root@controller ~]# kubectl create -f /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/sriovVM.yaml
  5. Start the VM:
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl virt start debian-sriov-vm
  6. Execute into the VM (login/pass root/toor):
    [root@controller ~]# kubectl virt console debian-sriov-vm
  7. Fix the networking in the VM for Eth1:
    [root@vm ~]# vim /etc/network/interfaces
    # Replace info for Eth1
    # Maybe the VM has 2 NICs?
    auto eth1
    iface eth1 inet static
    #restart networking service
    [root@vm ~]# sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
  8. Check that the SRIOV interface has an assigned IP address:
    [root@vm ~]# ip addr
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1400 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether aa:10:79:10:00:18 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a810:79ff:fe10:18/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 4a:b0:80:d8:a9:b3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth1
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

VM snapshot

Currently, support for VM snapshot is allowed by manually taking a snapshot of the VMs virtual disk with the QEMU utility. See limitations for more information. To restore the snapshot or create a new VM, the user is required to copy a new qcow2 (snapshot) file to the controller and create the VM as per stateless VM example. using new qcow2 image instead of the one provided in the example.

Complete the following steps to create a snapshot:

  1. Log into the Edge Node
  2. Go to the virtual disk directory for the previously created VM:
    [root@node ~]# cd /var/vd/vol0/ && ls
  3. Create a qcow2 snapshot image out of the virtual disk present in the directory (disk.img):
    /opt/qemu-4.0.0/qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 disk.img ./my-vm-snapshot.qcow2


Cloud Storage

Currently, there is no support for cloud storage in Smart Edge Open.

Storage Orchestration and PV/PVC management

Currently, Network Edge Smart Edge Open has no mechanism to manage storage. The assumption is made that the default HDD/SSD of the Edge Node is used for storage. Additionally, various methods for optimizing storage (e.g., using various file system types) for performance are out of scope for Smart Edge Open. When using K8s with local persistent volumes in Network Edge deployment, the user must create a directory per each PV, which will be used to store the VMs’ virtual disk. The creation of directories to store PV is automated from Smart Edge Open but the creation of the PV itself and keeping track of which PV corresponds to which VM is currently the user’s responsibility. This is due to the local volume plugin enabling local storage in K8s, which does not provide dynamic PV creation when a PVC claim is made. A consideration of how to automate and simplify PV management for the user will be made in the future. An evaluation of currently available solutions is needed.

Snapshot Creation

Currently, snapshot creation of the stateful VM is to be manually done by the user, using the QEMU utility. K8s provides a Volume Snapshot and Volume Snapshot Restore functionality but it is currently only available for out-off tree K8s device storage plugins supporting CSI driver. The local volume plugin used in this implementation is not yet supported as a CSI plugin. A consideration of how to automate and simplify a VM snapshot for the user will be made in the future.

CDI image upload fails when CMK is enabled

When CMK is enabled due to missing CMK taint toleration, there is an issue with using CDI when uploading VM images. The CDI upload pod does not get deployed and the virtctl plugin command times out by waiting for the action to complete. A workaround for this issue is to:

  1. invoke the CDI upload command
  2. edit the taint toleration for the CDI upload to tolerate CMK
  3. update the pod
  4. create the PV
  5. let the pod run to completion The following script is an example of how to perform the above steps:

kubectl virt image-upload dv centos-dv --image-path=/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-2003.qcow2 --insecure --size=15Gi  --storage-class=local-storage --uploadproxy-url=https://<cdi-proxy-ip>:443 &

sleep 5

kubectl get pod cdi-upload-centos-dv -o yaml --export > cdiUploadCentosDv.yaml

kubectl get pods

awk 'NR==314{print "  - effect: NoSchedule"}NR==314{print "    key: cmk"}NR==314{print "    operator: Exists"}1' cdiUploadCentosDv.yaml > cdiUploadCentosDvToleration.yaml

kubectl apply -f cdiUploadCentosDvToleration.yaml

sleep 5

kubectl create -f /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/persistentLocalVolume.yaml

Useful Commands and Troubleshooting


kubectl get pv                  # get Persistent Volumes
kubectl get pvc                 # get Persistent Volume Claims
kubectl get dv                  # get Data Volume
kubectl get sc                  # get Storage Classes
kubectl get vms                 # get VM state
kubectl get vmi                 # get VM IP
kubectl virt start <vm_name>    # start VM
kubectl virt restart <vm_name>  # restart VM
kubectl virt stop <vm_name>     # stop VM
kubectl virt pause <vm_name>    # pause VM
kubectl virt console <vm_name>  # Get console connection to VM
kubectl virt help               # See info about rest of virtctl commands


  1. The PVC image is not being uploaded through CDI. Check that the IP address of the cdi-upload-proxy is correct and that the Network Traffic policy for CDI is applied:
    kubectl get services -A | grep cdi-uploadproxy
    kubectl get networkpolicy | grep cdi-upload-proxy-policy
  2. Cannot SSH to stateful VM with Cloud Generic Image due to the public key being denied. Confirm that the public key provided in /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/cloudGenericVM.yaml is valid and in a correct format. Example of a correct format:
    # /opt/openness/edgeservices/edgecontroller/kubevirt/examples/cloudGenericVM.yaml
          - name: root
            password: root
            sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
              - ssh-rsa Askdfjdiisd?-SomeLongSHAkey-?dishdxxxx root@controller
  3. Completely deleting a stateful VM. Delete VM, DV, PV, PVC, and the Virtual Disk related to VM from the Edge Node:
    [controller]# kubectl delete vm <vm_name>
    [controller]# kubectl delete dv <dv_name>
    [controller]# kubectl delete pv <pv_names>
    [node]# rm /var/vd/vol<vol_num_related_to_pv>/disk.img
  4. Cleanup script --clean does not properly clean up KubeVirt/CDI components, if the user has intentionally/unintentionally deleted one of these components outside the script. The KubeVirt/CDI components must be cleaned up/deleted in a specific order to wipe them successfully and the cleanup script does that for the user. When a user tries to delete the KubeVirt/CDI operator in the wrong order, the namespace for the component may be stuck indefinitely in a terminating state. This is not an issue if the user runs the script to completely clean the cluster but might be troublesome if the user wants to run cleanup for KubeVirt only. To fix this, use:

    1. Check which namespace is stuck in a terminating state:
      [controller]# kubectl get namespace
      NAME              STATUS       AGE
      cdi               Active       30m
      default           Active       6d1h
      kube-node-lease   Active       6d1h
      kube-ovn          Active       6d1h
      kube-public       Active       6d1h
      kube-system       Active       6d1h
      kubevirt          Terminating  31m
      openness          Active       6d1h
    2. Delete the finalizer for the terminating namespace:
      ##replace instances of `kubevirt` with 'cdi' in the command if CDI is the issue.
      [controller]# kubectl get namespace "kubevirt" -o json  | tr -d "\n" | sed "s/\"finalizers\": \[[^]]\+\]/\"finalizers\": []/" | kubectl replace --raw /api/v1/namespaces/kubevirt/finalize -f -
    3. Run clean up script for kubeVirt again:
      [controller]# python3 --clean