SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corporation


Telehealth remote monitoring reference implementation application on SASE

Telehealth Remote Monitoring Reference Implementation (RI) showcases containerized telehealth application design providing a real-time audio-visual framework leveraging Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC). Enabled by the cloud native containerized WebRTC, server sessions are hosted between users that could include clinicians, patients, and caregivers. A web application interface provides a way for users to connect, view, and communicate from a range of possible end point devices including cameras, phones, and laptops.

Topology overview

Sample 1 Telehealth

Figure 1 Telehealth


This sample demonstrate Video Conference as a Service(VCaaS) by telehealth service. In this sample, UE-A 1 can access the telehealth service running on remote edge cluster B via secured IPsec tunnels and POP cluster forwarding.

Multiple UEs from different edge platforms can access telehealth service running on SASE edge cluster B and enjoy video conference service. In the scenario, at least 2 UEs and 3 servers (two edges/one POP) are connected to one common switch using RJ45 port. The traffic flow travels (UE-A 1-> Edge A Cluster -> POP Cluster -> Edge B Cluster -> UE-B 1) via IPsec tunnels. In this scenario, multiple UEs accessing the edge cluster are supported as shown in the above diagram.

Hardware requirements

  • Three physical servers for two single-node SASE edge clusters and one single-node SASE POP cluster.
  • At least two laptops or other machines, used by the UEs to access edge clusters.
  • One switch used to connect SASE POP cluster, edge clusters and UEs. Switch port connecting SASE Edge/POP servers should work in Hybrid/Trunk mode. VLAN ID (301 by default) configured before deployed SASE-EK should be allowed by the switch.


  • Deploy single-node SASE edge cluster on Edge A and Edge B
  • Deploy single-node SASE POP cluster with Overlay controller on one POP server. Overlay controller is used to automatedly setup IPsec tunnel between POP and edge cluster.
  • Download Telehealth package and follow Telehealth guide doc to deploy Telehealth RI on Edge B.


  1. Setup Route & IPtables rule for Telehealth ```

    Get cnf-eth-ip

    $ kubectl get po –no-headers -o wide -n sdewan-system | grep sdewan-safe | awk ‘{printf $6}’

    Above command will return an IP, use this IP in below command to setup the route on the Edge A host

Get cnf-eth0-interface

$ ip r | grep | awk ‘{printf $3}’

Above command will return an interface start with “cali”, use this interface in below command to setup the route on the Edge A host

Setup ip route on the Edge A host

sudo ip rule add to lookup 40 sudo ip route add default via dev table 40 ​

Setup IPtables rule in the CNF pod that on the Edge B

sudo iptables -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp –dport 30553 -j DNAT –to-destination :443 -t nat

2. Deploy Nginx on the Edge-A to forward traffic to Telehealth on Edge B

# Get nginx from Kubernetes repo
git clone
cd examples/staging/https-nginx/

# Modify default.conf file like this
server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
        listen 443 ssl;
        #root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        #index index.html;
        server_name localhost;
        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/tls.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/tls.key;
        location / {
# Modify nginx-app.yaml to Specify the Port 30443 exposed by https
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginxsvc
    app: nginx
  type: NodePort
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
  - port: 443
    protocol: TCP
    name: https
    nodePort: 30553
    app: nginx
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: my-nginx
  replicas: 1
        app: nginx
      - name: secret-volume
          secretName: nginxsecret
      - name: configmap-volume
          name: nginxconfigmap
      - name: nginxhttps
        image: ymqytw/nginxhttps:1.5
        command: ["/home/"]
        - containerPort: 443
        - containerPort: 80
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl
          name: secret-volume
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d
          name: configmap-volume
# Generate certificates
make keys KEY=/tmp/nginx.key CERT=/tmp/nginx.crt
# Create a secret and a configmap for nginx pod
kubectl create secret tls nginxsecret --key /tmp/nginx.key --cert /tmp/nginx.crt
kubectl create configmap nginxconfigmap --from-file=default.conf
# Start the Nginx pod
kubectl apply -f nginx-app.yaml
# network-policy for nginx
cat netpol-nginx.yaml
# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-nginx
  namespace: default
      app: nginx
  - Ingress
  - {}
kubectl apply -f netpol-nginx.yaml

Check telehealth service availability via IPsec tunnel

  • On the UE-A 1: Open a browser to access telehealth service via input https://<Edge-A-1-IP>:30553
  • On the UE-B 1: Open a browser to access telehealth service via input https://<Edge-B-1-IP>:30443

Optional Steps to validate multiple UEs support

On the UE-A 2: Open a browser to access telehealth service via input https://<Edge-A-2-IP>:30553 On the UE-B 2: Open a browser to access telehealth service via input https://<Edge-B-2-IP>:30443

Iperf3 On SASE

Topology overview

Sample 2 Iperf

Figure 2 Iperf


Verify that multiple UEs can communicate via SDEWAN edge and POP data link. In the scenario, there are multiple UEs connected to one common switch using RJ45 port. The traffic flow from one UE to the other one via POP Cluster through IPsec tunnel (UE-A 1 -> Edge A Cluster -> POP Cluster -> Edge B Cluster -> UE-B 1). The UE connects to OpenWRT CNF attached with vlan interface on SASE edge cluster via switch.

Hardware requirements:

  • Three physical servers for two single-node SASE edge clusters and one single-node SASE POP cluster.
  • Two physical servers as UEs to send and receive data.
  • One switch used to connect SASE POP cluster, edge clusters and UEs. Switch port connecting SASE Edge/POP servers should work in Hybrid/Trunk mode. VLAN ID (301 by default) configured before deployed SASE-EK should be allowed by the switch.


  • Deploy single-node SASE edge cluster on Edge A and Edge B
  • Deploy single-node SASE POP cluster on POP server


  1. Setting on the UE-A ```

Add a VLAN interface,the VLAN id should be the same as the id on SASE.

sudo ip link add link eno3 name eno3.301 type vlan id 301

Add a IP address to the VLAN interface, Vlan-IP should be 10.10.70.X.

sudo ip addr add /24 dev eno3.301

Bring up the VLAN interface

sudo ip link set eno3.301 up

Add route to edge-A

sudo ip route add via dev eno3.301

Stop firewall

sudo ufw disable

After Step 2, Check the connection UE-A to edge-B


2. Setting on the Edge A
# Add ip rule in cnf pod, Vlan-IP should be 10.10.70.X.
 ip rule add from <UE-A-Vlan-IP> lookup 40
  1. Setting on the UE-B ```

Add a VLAN interface,the VLAN id should be the same with the id on SASE.

sudo ip link add link eno2 name eno2.301 type vlan id 301

Add a IP address to the VLAN interface, Vlan-IP should be 10.10.70.X.

sudo ip addr add /24 dev eno2.301

Bring up the VLAN interface

sudo ip link set eno2.301 up

Stop firewall

sudo ufw disable

4. Add iptables rule on edge-B
sudo iptables -I PREROUTING --destination -p tcp --dport 9090 -j DNAT --to-destination <UE-B-Vlan-IP>:9091 -t nat

Iperf3 test

On UE-B:

iperf3 -s -p 9091

On UE-A:

iperf3 -c -p 9090 -t 60

Optional steps to validate multiple UE support

Add additional UE-A 2 and/or UE-A 3 with similar configuration as UE-A 1 as another iperf3 client and run the above test at the same time.